
To imprecate is to curse one’s enemies. In Psalms and other books of the Old Testament, this is typically done by invoking God’s judgment upon them or asking God to effect their calamitous ruin.

Imprecations can be difficult to pray, because their language often leans on warring or other violent means of rendering enemies powerless. Thus, on their face, they can seem at odds with the teachings of Jesus.

Yes, the psalmists and other imprecators ask for their enemies to be defeated. But if we read closely, with our ears tuned to a God whose utmost power is Love, we can hear that the enemy being cursed isn’t The Other, isn’t the the different tribe next door.

The enemy is Lies. The enemy is Deceit. Flattery. Destruction. Greed. Wickedness. Evil. We pray not for the death of neighbors at the God’s hands, but for God to remove these sins from the hearts of anyone who wields them as weapons, thus liberating everyone in the ultimate victory of good over evil, life over death.

Who We Are

We are a collective of clergy, musicians, writers, and laypeople dedicated to following the way of Jesus. We aim to use Biblical wisdom as a source of resilience and resistance as we oppose the forces of tyranny and oppression in our world and work to repair our relationships with each other and with Creation.

What We Do

This site is intended as a hub for those seeking guidance and materials for an imprecatory approach to prayer, music, and spiritual activism within systems of power. Content coming soon.

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